"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly know how far they can go"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

South Carolina (Myrtle Beach Marathon) 2/13/10

I was really looking forward to this race and due to time restrictions for the flights out I decided to fly into Charlotte, NC and drive about 4 hours into Myrtle Beach. When I arrived I checked into the hotel and went directly to the expo to pick up my packet. Once again Mother Nature was thinking about throwing a curve ball and they were calling for snow. As most people in the south know we don't deal with snow very well. While at the expo we were told that the race had been pushed back a half hour and there were rumors it may go further. The race officials were going to meet through out the evening to decide what they were going to do. Once back at the hotel it started snowing pretty good and I started hearing rumors that the officials were considering cancelling the race, something none of the runners wanted to hear. The next update was not going to be until 10pm so I decided to stay up and wait for there decision. Sure enough shortly after 10 while watching the Olympics and news flash appeared across the bottom of the screen stating that both the marathon and half marathon have been cancelled by city officials. Needless to say I was very upset and so were alot of other runners. As runners we will run in any kind of weather but the city officials were concerned about the safety of the volunteers that had to set up the course in the middle of the night. Looks like I was coming home without being able to log South Carolina in the books and I will have to wait until next week when I go to Jacksonville, FL to run in the National Breast Cancer Marathon.

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